Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

New Beads this week... not sure what I'm doing with them....

Spent Monday beating up on some copper wire and sheet....

OK .. I give up... there is a picture of a necklace made with those rings that I dipped in liver of sulpher becuase I was tired of tumbling it everytime I wore it... But it will not show up on this blog!!!!


  1. Blogger is acting up this morning. You need to put your photos in by their html code.

    I see you are playing with your enamels. They are gorgeous!

  2. Whacking on metal is very therapeutic!

  3. Actually I did use html to upload those two pictures... it wouldn't accept the third one for some reason... actually I did the entire blog post twice as it went poof the first time I save it!
