Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

I carry my Etsy store with me when I travel by 'road'... I usually have less than 30 items so no big deal to haul along 30 beads!  Of course I sold the one thing I did not have with me... the little gumball machine on the right!  My customer was very understanding about waiting the 2 weeks til I got home...  Then I got home and couldn't find it!  So I spent 2 days making 'gum ball machine beads... they are made as one piece.. Then they get filled.... my rug is still full of seed beads! Every time I got another 'machine' filled I'd send off a picture.. about the time she finally found one that she liked as well as the one she had bought... I found the one that she had bought... however it was no longer her first love...   So my bead table is covered with filled gumball machines and this post is anything but wordless!


  1. Those are so adorable, that I'm leaving my first comment by cell phone. :) kathleen

  2. Hi there, Lynne. You passed within three miles of my house! :) I spend two hours on Hwy 46 to work and back every day... the construction on it may be the end of what little sanity I still have. I'm guessing that you may have jumped onto 46 off of IH 10 at Seguin which is the town I work in.

  3. I'd pulled up the larger picture so I could see your gum ball machine beads up close. My husband happened by and stopped short to take a look too. They are so fun! You get four thumbs up from our household.

  4. oh that is so typical!! I have done the same myself - made a pair of earrings to order, put them to one side to wrap for delivery the next day while I worked on something else and then not been able to find them and making another pair! At least my workshop got a good tidy in the process. I found the earrings two days later - they'd fallen into a bag!
