Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Want My Mail!

OK I try not to get political but I want my mail service back....Enough is enough.. It's quite obvious that neither the NDP nor the Liberals who are fighting to delay the back to work legislation  depend on the mail to receive their pay cheques!

As a self employed artist I am not receiving any money nor can I ship any orders!  Where I live Fedex is delivered by Canada POST... therefor FEDEX is not an option... then there is UPS... well they offload on Purolator... Guess what Purolator is owned by Canada Post....  What does that leave, not much that leaves any profit in the delivery.  I could have things bused to and from St George but that's at least a 90 minute return trip get to the bus depot and back....   & the bus only stops 3 times a week....


  1. I don't blame you for being annoyed

  2. We occasionally get issues with the post office, but they are pretty good down here, although I had a packet go missing recently first time in years, but it came from abroad so the fault may not have been our PO.
