Friday, May 22, 2009

Where are the pictures....

OK I know i promised pictures but it is sunny and 85 here... I am not going to sit in the house editing pictures when I can be outside digging weeds! Normally in May and June we get fog until noon... although the fog does let me sleep in .. Now I get a blast of sun about 6:30 am....

My new plants are all planted think I need a few annuals or perennials to fill in some holes and a nice light rain for an hour between 3 am and 4 am.... The token picture is some of my lilies near the bead shop (summer of 2007... they were taller than me... not that that would be difficult!) the 16 lily bulbs I planted this year have about a 20% germination rate... wondering if the deer dug them out and ate them!

Time to go see what yesterdays beads look like.. I did make beads yesterday in between weeds! NO new jellyfish yesterday.. I do have some made into pendants for the gallery but I don't have any loose focals floating around .... SOON....


  1. Your lillies are beautiful. I fear for anything I might plant here. It would just ultimately become methane...

  2. You could fence your flower garden.. I'm considering putting a fence around my magnolia tree! It does have one flower now... guess the &%#)*)( deer missed it!

  3. beautiful flowers - sounds like great weather. I love to get up and outside, early in the morning!
