Sunday, May 24, 2009

Classmates . COM

My husband tripped over earlier in the year... He went to a fairly small rural High School in Saskatchewan and actually remembers the students from other years... I went to a large city school in Edmonton Alberta and might have known the names of 10% of my class... I joined originally as a free looky-loo ... but if you don't pay you can't see anything...

While I was in Georgia I got an email saying that my class was trying to organize a 35th reunion the August long weekend... Well even though I have no intention of being in Alberta that weekend yesterday I coughed up my money and upgraded to a gold membership... (so now I can see things!) Think there are 70 + members of the grad class registered (15- 20%?) of which I recognize about 6 names....

Where am I going to be the August long weekend.. I should be at home running the gallery however I think I am going to be in Ottawa taking a class from Anastasia! It's being organized by Grace aka Lauscha Lady

What does this bracelet have to do with absolutely nothing... It was my entry into a rainbow themed on line jewelry contest ...


  1. I grew up in a small town in northern NJ and didn't hang out a lot with the people in my grade. But there were a few. If I still lived on the east coast, I might go to reunions...

    That sure is a rainbow of color!

  2. I won't pay Peeps can find me on facebook if they want to find me badly enough. I hated high school. Although I did go to my 25th reunion 6 years ago and I had a blast. Crap it was 7 years ago. I am older than I thought...*sigh*

    Lovely bracelet. I hope you win

  3. I wouldn't have paid either if I hadn't wanted the info on the 35th reunion.. actually when I paid yesterday it was actually half price.. it was only $19.95 for the year! I think I may try and organize a dinner over Christmas for the select few people that I remember!

  4. Wait - Anastasia's teaching in Ottawa, my home town?! Maybe I can arrange a visit home during that time... A class with her would be amazing!

  5. If your high school president would organize the whole batch into joining I might upgrade to gold membership.

    High School Friend Search
