Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Home!!!

Still no pictures... and yes the sun is trying to shine.. but I'm not sure where all the things that I made are now... my luggage has been unpacked in piles all over the house... they started out as sorted piles .....

Highlights of the trip... the customer service counter staff at Delta... Surly & totally unhelpful in Bangor going to Atlanta... Leaving Atlanta, upgrade from Surly to Rude and Nasty! I got told off for not getting my boarding pass from the kiosk... Kiosk wouldn't give it to me as I was booked on two different airlines... then she wanted to charge me $150 for my suitcase because it weighed 51 pounds... Since I was flying internationally I could have had a second piece of luggage for free... Thumbs DOWN to DELTA's check in staff!!!!

However you do get free Ginger Biscotties on the plane....

The third week at WH we were surrounded by Tornadoes... none came really close but it was fun watching the sky... don't think they are in drought conditions any more either after all the rain they got that week!

All my flights coming home left on time and got in early!!!!!

Mom now seems to be recovering quite well from her broken hip... I detoured home from Atlanta via Edmonton for Mother's Day. She uses a walker with huge wheels when she's outside walking and her companion practically has to jog to keep up .... The back alley behind the house is a real mess so not terribly walker friendly.... I had two nice days weather wise there before the snow started floating past the windows.... But it's even colder there now!

From Edmonton I went to Toronto.. to visit G's youngest son.. we slept on the living room furniture I got the love seat... G complained about the couch the first morning... I suggested he could have the love seat I would take the full size couch... no more complaints! Weather there got cold after the first day too! Wanted to pick up some glass while I was there... clear & white.... Nortel didn't have any CLEAR!!!! SO to drown my sorrows got about 10 pounds of other new colours.....

Will have to spend my $50 gift certificate that I got from Artistry in Glass on clear glass .. how boring!

Left Sunday to drive home... Martha G's GPS sent us on a new route through Vermount, New Hampshire and Maine.... Very pretty... until we got to the border line up in Calais ME... 103 minutes after we joined the line we were free in Canada!

Got home very late Monday night.... spent yesterday removing weeds from the front gardens, swatting black flies, doing laundry, and buying groceries and plants on the mainland!

What did I miss?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was an interesting trip all around. Bad weather, bad service but good cookies. eh. Glad you are home safe and sound
