Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Heading home

Well I left WH friday noon and spent the night in Atlanta ... saturday I flew to Edmonton... on Delta... I got to the check in .. since I was flying internationally I was entitled to 2 free bags I had one... it weighed 51 pounds.. the Delta rep gave me a choice... are you going to loose a pound or PAY $150!!!! I had a book stuck in the front pocket of my suitcase which actually weighed 1 pound 6 oz so I removed the book and added it to my carry on... But $150 for being one pound over weight... (Canadian airlines let you have two free cases on all flights!!!!)

Edmonton is where I grew up but it certainly is not the direct route back to my little Island! Sunday Mother's day we all went out for brunch... then I helped my siter pull weeds and repile siding... gorgeous day! Yesterday was also a gorgeous day tomorrow it is suppose to snow here... goody goody!

Yesterday we went plant shopping, not much got planted though since it is suppose to freeze tonight ... Dad bought a bag of set onions and has a bunch left over I said I'd take some of them home.. he says I have to take them as carry on.. I figure security will confiscate them.... Let me know if you think I will get to keep them on my comments! Actually they may not even show up in the xray....

Thursday I'm suppose to fly to Toronto were G will meet me then we will head for home on Sunday... No pictures until I get home... this is a Mac and I'm Mac illiterate... I can figure out how to type on this computer and not much more!


  1. If you are within Canada why would they not let you carry on the onions? It's not like you are trying to take them over the border....
    Welcome home!

    or do the provinces have rules...

  2. I say they'll take them. They always ask if you have any fruits or vegetables.... or something like that! Nice to get home, after such an intense class. Hope everything goes well.

  3. Oh I just figure that they will think that they are packed full of some evil liquid or gel!!!!

    It's snowing here right now... it's suppose to be the midddle of MAY!
