Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Blog Award for Us

Well, I was reading my favorite goat's blog (I should clarify that.. Priscilla is the only goat I know that blogs.. she however is not the only goat that I know... but they gave away/sold Nora who was/is my favorite goat..., but as far as I know Nora doesn't have her own blog!) and I found out that I have been given a blog award.

This award is called the Kreativ Blogger Award and it, of course, comes with rules. I need to list 7 things I love and I need to pass it on to 7 people. I have The Maaaaa of Pricilla to thank for this honor (I'm thinking her publicist had a lot to do with my being picked!) . So here goes:

7 Things I like:
1. Sun... I follow it around the house during the winter! (that is if it isn't snowing....)
2. Reading (I prefer whodunnits... I don't like it when I figure out who the evil person is 1/3 of the way into the book!)
3. Shoes (However I prefer not to wear them as I might get them dirty!)
4. Coffee... ( I drink it by the potfull )
5. Jewelry (I had to learn how to make it as I was spending to much buying it!)

6. Hot springs... however bath tubs and hot tubs suffice as a substitute!

7. The sound of a cat purring

Now 7 people to pass this on too

1 Broken Teepee
2. Storey Beader
3 & 4. 2 sisters for Art (this blog has 2 authors so it counts as two people, even if I only know one of them!)
5. Glassbead
6. Jill's Beads
7. Glass Addictions