Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have a car for the first time since Christmas... I finally got it off the driveway today! Now where should I go... Along the lines of 'all dressed up & nowhere to go'... this would be all revved up and nowhere to drive...!
As you can tell Zoomies is very excited that my car is now drive-able... the mere thought of going for another ride in a car has him ecstatic!

The heads.. are fused frozen frit.. It's a technique that I tripped over a couple of weeks ago..... on I don't follow the firing instructions completely but I have quite a lot of powdered frit and I think it's a neat technique!


  1. Such enthusiasm I have never seen!

  2. what expressions on those faces!

    I suggest you go out to eat - that's what DH and I do, when we don't have anywhere to go and want to go out!

  3. The faces look terrific! and glad you have wheels!!!Just a drive in the warm sun sounds good to me! Food usually goes along with that- or maybe just ice cream?

  4. I got a 1/3 of a cookie! I bought a half dozen for my son I got 1/3 of one!

  5. Oooh, I love those faces. Info please? What did you use for molds? I know about the frozen frit, but I WANT those faces.
