Wednesday, March 11, 2009

income tax time...

I know that this is everybody's favorite time of the year... In Canada we actually get til the end of April to file but since I'm leaving April 16th that extra two weeks is irrelevant... I have been doing our income tax on line using Quick Tax for almost 10 years... I got a new computer last fall... and Gord transfered the files from the old computer to the new one.... I'm sure you can tell where this is going....

Two weeks ago I installed the 2008 version of quick tax and suggested that it would like to import the 2007 files... the fact it couldn't find them wasn't that big a deal as Deloris my new (DELL) computer is not set up at all like "Laundry" was (that computer was set up in the Laundry room ... such a nice place to work... no excuse for leaving clothes in the washer for a week though!)

So I went looking and found 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and a bunch of giberish in the 2007 folder.... No problem "Laundry" will still have the files... WRONG someone deleted all the old files off of that computer before he made sure that the files he had transfered where useful....

So instead of doing our 2008 income tax I just spent 10 days redoing our 2007 taxes so that the numbers matched the totals on the summary that the government has on file... Sounds easy doesn't it except quick tax won't let you put in totals ... you have to SHOW the WORK... (sounds like a University Physics or Math class and almost as much fun!)

Anyway as of last night I have 2007 done and can now start plowing through the piles of paper I generate through consignment, wholesale, online sales and my gallery... At least the weather is crappy so I have no desire to be playing in the garden!

The bead is Midnight Echinacea and is only on here because I think a blog needs a picture!


  1. thanks for the picture - it's a beautiful bead. Sounds like you had a heck of a time with taxes this time around... and you haven't even started yet!
