Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Zoom Zoom

Zoomies is ONE today! He came from the Charlotte county SPCA like all my cats! He was one of 7 kittens & was officially named Jonathon!
More on the CCSPCA.....The Charlotte County SPCA officially opened its very own shelter last weekend after renting space from a St Stephen vet clinic for 10 years.
It is a small volunteer non-profit, that runs solely on fundraising and donations... (no government funding!) The fundraising for the animal shelter began in 2003, construction of the shelter began in the spring of 2008 on donated land, and with the help of volunteers it was opened last weekend underbudget!
(During August I donated 50% of my etsy sales to the CCSPCA....)
Thursday we went to the CCSPCA annual fundraising auction.. I bought a big basket of coffee... (my family will tell you that I live on coffee... I leave cups scattered all over the house... You wouldn't believe the places that we find coffee cups!) The kittties will get the basket as a kitty bed.... (will they actually use it????)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Zoomies!
    Congrats, Lynne, on your new blog!
