Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Evolution of a Gallery

The cute little building in the first picture was the first gallery it was actually on a beach at a small salt water resort Manitou Beach in the middle of Saskatchewan. I bought the building in Feb of 2000 and we spent hours turning a pink and lime green ice cream parlor into what you see in the picture. The Beach Hut or Beach Nut as it was so often erroneously called, was open for 5 summers... if it was cold I froze and if it was hot the temp was often over 40 C (104 F) as there was no insulation... but it was fun spending summers at the beach... my cabin was a 15 minute walk and on nice days I'd stop at the beach on the way home and go swimming.... However in 2001 we moved from SK to NB, so for the next three summers I commuted to work 3000 miles in June and home again in Sept... I sold the building in Sept of 2004 and moved my stock to Deer Island into an addition on our Deer Island home, and renamed it Fireball gallery & studio (If you look closely at the second picture you can see the awning rolled up over the window).
I actually preferred the gallery at arms length.... when I locked the door at 5:30 at Manitou Beach I walked away from everything... here people show up during supper, they show up in the morning before I'm dressed....., if I'm home I'm open....
What do I sell... work by Canadian women, including myself. Fireball Gallery

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