Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beads for Food

Beads for Food... I am a member of a street team* (LEST Team) on Etsy**. For the month of November all participating artists will be donating one can of food or equivalent $ to a local food bank for every sale. So if you want to help us help the unfortunate this Christmas season type 'Beads for Food" into the search box when you log onto Etsy.( my etsy ) Then read the artists info to find out if all of their beads are included or just the ones tagged.... &... to find out what they are donating and where the donation is going... I only tagged about half of my beads because I know I'm probably going to have to untag them in December . I have already bought two cans of food... Make me buy more! Buy some of my beads!!

Vana Cat is helping me by showing off my donation.... (Actually he's quite pissed off because I'm invading his photo cube with a can of soup that isn't even open!)

defn: Street Team*: A group of people with a similar values/products that have banded together to help promote sales on etsy.

Etsy**: a internet selling venue that was started to help promote sales of handmade items... they now also sell supplies and vintage..... ( etsy)

LEST : stands for Lampwork etc. Street Team

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