Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014 Holiday ornament swap & Week 51 'ornament'

My partner this year is Becky Pancake    I love the ornament I got from her, I just wish she'd signed and dated the back.. It will have a place of honor on the endless supply of Charlie Brown trees my husband brings home every year.  This year he was so proud of himself when he brought in the tree... He didn't even have to cut it down it had fallen in the hurricane on July 5th...  Does it look like dead fall... sort of!  I will say that the ornaments all show up beautifully on it!

This is what I sent  (the mistletoe bead can be taken out and worn as a pendant) I added a hook after I photographed it...

And this is what I received   I love it my tree will love it!

I hope everyone spends a little time checking out the rest of the ornaments in this years exchange!

11. Alicia Marinache  and Susan Kennedy  

Saturday afternoon... my blog was hacked yesterday finally got the errant code removed so will now go get dressed then start hopping! 

And to see what other people posted for week 51 follow the linkz links.....


  1. Hi Lynne, I am so glad that you like the ornament I made for you. I never thought of signing and dating it. I will do that in the future. I got the turquoise marquis on my first trip to New York City at Thanksgiving so they were special to me and I wanted to share them.

  2. Love your mistletoe bead! And how great that you added the hook for extra versatility. I love the ornament you made for me last year. I passed on this year's event since I am doing another challenge in January. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  3. Hi Lynne,
    I love the ornament that you sent to Becky and it's duel purpose. The ornament that you received from Becky is beautiful I love that it is not your traditional type of ornament and defiantly a one of a kind piece.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

  4. Oh, I love the wire work you did on your ornament! And, a 2-fer - she can wear the pendant! Very creatively done!

    Her snowflake ornament is so perfect - love the colors and the beads that she used! Looks great on your Charlie Brown tree!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. I had to smile at your Charlie Brown tree comment. It looks very pretty in the picture. :)

    And beautiful with your new ornament.

    What a fun ornament you sent to Becky as well, especially how you designed it so she could wear the bead/pendant separately.

    I'm so sorry to hear you blog was hacked, and glad you were able to get it sorted.

  6. Really beautiful lamp work bead - and how clever to make i removable and wearable! Fantastic!

  7. I love your ornament. The bead is beautiful and I can't get over how you made it detachable. That is so clever! Becky's ornaments are so pretty. I love the beadwork.

  8. I think that idea of a removeable bead is so genius. A gift that keeps on giving! And I am always amazed at what can be done with those darned seed beads. So pretty! Enjoy the day and Merry Christmas to you and your family. Erin

  9. Very sweet ornament! Love those pops of enamel! Becky's gorgeous turquoise looks lovely on your tree.

  10. I love the ornament you sent and the pendant being removable was ingenious!
    The ornament you received is gorgeous - I love that color she choose and the tree sets it off beautifully!

  11. What a great showcase for the mistletoe bead. and the blue bead-work ornament is just perfect. Happy holidays to everyone!

  12. Wow, that one's gorgeous too! Lucky you!! What a PITA you got hacked, Lynne...glad you got it fixed!
