Friday, November 28, 2014

Week 48: Bliss(ful)


:extremely happy; full of joy
:providing perfect happiness or great joy.

Well I'm going to point out that 6 inches of wet snow with a layer of ice on top is neither blissful nor does it make the house shoveller happy or full of joy... fortunately he is home or there would have been a crooked little trail one shovel wide escaping up the driveway....  
I don't see many breakfast coffees on this deck in the near future a fact which I find totally depressing, I love sitting out here in the summer....

I am happy that my birds did fly west this week... and that all the rest of my Christmas orders are done
and should be shipped by Monday!

To see if anyone else found bliss this week click on the following linkz link!


  1. At least it looks like the sun was shining, despite the wintery cover. Glad your birdies are on their journey to their new homes!

  2. Yeah, I was not blissful to see this snow... as I might be if it was Christmas instead of Thanksgiving, but oh well it is pretty!
