Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 43 - In the Shadows

Focus on Life  Week 43 of Sally Russick's weekly photo prompt!

"Only the Shadow Knows for Sure"   Sorry couldn't resist... If you recognize the quote your probably at least as old as me... (although the program was rerun in the 80's which is when I heard it!)

I went outside on Wednesday morning to take shadow pictures and realized after a few minutes that the most interesting shadow was the one that I was casting while I was taking pictures sitting on the steps!

I hate mornings in October... I want daylight savings time to end when it used to...  I don't care when it gets dark in the evening but I hate it still being dark at 8 am in October... Actually if you get right down to it I don't see the point of DST at all!  End rant!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Week 42 - All in a Day

Focus on Life week 42

Mmm How to deal with this, I'm a self employed gallery owner and jewellery artist....  So some days I make beads.. 
In the summer I always start and end the day by putting out open flags... this season of the year it's by chance or appointment!
These beads were made for someone... well I needed 9  think there's 22 or 23 there (my hearts are free form no mold! other than what grows on them when I forget them in a bucket of dirty water)

Some days I make components
occasionally I even make them into pieces of jewellery!

Enamelled components for a gallery show in SK
(I cut out the cow skulls using a blanking mold and my hydraulic press!)  Enamelled pinwheels made into earrings... yes they do spin!

Most days in October I pick grapes

OK the grape vine picture is from Sept when the grapes were green... but it's pouring rain today so ... Big picture is processing grapes to make a orange cranberry pecan loaf using 'concord' grapes...I probably bake 3 times a year...

Most evenings I knit
These Socks are a triple first... First time  I've knit from the toe up, First time I've knit two socks at once, and First time I've knit socks using circular needles.... These are for my husband... they ended up a bit big!
 Two at once is fun, knitting on circular needles sucks, and I quite like the way the heel looks on these.... 

One evening this week some of the resident deers wandered past during supper

She had two fawns earlier in the summer but one seems to be gone, also she has been running around on three legs most of the summer... still is so I'm not sure how she'll do this winter!

And I read.... Most evenings in the hot tub...

This week was book bus week, the bus comes to the island once every 4 weeks, I missed the Sept stop...
The top two book are by Alan Bradley... a series about a 12 year old girl in England trying to figure out creative ways to 'kill' her two older sisters.  I usually get about 10 books and get through 7 or 8....

But I start everyday by feeding my fish, Sophie , winding my cuckoo clock, and grabbing a cup of coffee... I actually end the day by turning off Sophie's light and winding the cuckoo clock again, as it was hung two inches too low to make it twenty -four hours!

I had this post all queued to post tonight then realized I forgot to mention the hours I waste on the computer every day... no need for pictures you all know what a computer looks like!

To see how other people spend their days click on the following links!

Friday, October 11, 2013

week 41 Connections

Focus on life week 41 and yes this is my 41st post in this blog hope... I haven't missed a week ... yet.........

Some weeks it's hard too look beyond Sally's pictures for original ideas especially when one makes jewellery... so this is my cop out picture....

 The toggle 'connection' for my blue iceberg beer bottle necklace.  The ring is the neck of the beer bottle fused...

Here's the brown version of the necklace
and here's some of the beads pre necklace

And this is my version of connections... a duck  marionette  that I bought the fall we moved here for my (16 year old) son.  This is the patriarch duck every family that is even vaguely related to me also has received one of these ducks.  Mine likes stealing  cat food. 

This is Emm think he's about 9 weeks old here!
& yes that duck just stole his food... He'd like to connect his claws to that evil marionette!

Emm refuses to share now with duck... floor in kitchen is still missing flooring!  'Duck' does get to go for regular walks....

To see how other people are connected click on the following images!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 40 Give us a smile....

Focus on  Life....Today Friday October 6 is 
World Smile Day...  
I love Simon's cat videos... found this picture on FB yesterday after attempting to take pictures of my cats 'smiling' 
 Thought it was appropriate for this weeks prompt!
(Thanks to Simon Tofield for creating his cartoons!)

"Since 1999, the first Friday of October has been named World Smile Day.
The concept was the brainchild of Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts. Harvey is best known for creating the iconic Smiley Face symbol and after being concerned about the original meaning of his design being lost through over commercialization, he came up the idea of World Smile Day.
According to the official website, Harvey "thought that we, all of us, should devote one day each year to smiles and kind acts throughout the world."
Will you be doing anything to mark World Smile Day? "

Here's my cats smiling!

Think Emm is auditioning for Grumpy Cat
Yea I'm Cute!  & I'm Smiling!
If you turned this thing on it would be a lot warmer!
This would be a lot more comfy if she'd get rid of all that 'test' jewellery!

Check on the following links to see other people's smiles! :)