Friday, October 11, 2013

week 41 Connections

Focus on life week 41 and yes this is my 41st post in this blog hope... I haven't missed a week ... yet.........

Some weeks it's hard too look beyond Sally's pictures for original ideas especially when one makes jewellery... so this is my cop out picture....

 The toggle 'connection' for my blue iceberg beer bottle necklace.  The ring is the neck of the beer bottle fused...

Here's the brown version of the necklace
and here's some of the beads pre necklace

And this is my version of connections... a duck  marionette  that I bought the fall we moved here for my (16 year old) son.  This is the patriarch duck every family that is even vaguely related to me also has received one of these ducks.  Mine likes stealing  cat food. 

This is Emm think he's about 9 weeks old here!
& yes that duck just stole his food... He'd like to connect his claws to that evil marionette!

Emm refuses to share now with duck... floor in kitchen is still missing flooring!  'Duck' does get to go for regular walks....

To see how other people are connected click on the following images!


  1. LOL love your scavenger duck! Those bottle rings are delightful, so envious of glass workers.

  2. Ah, I love your bottle rings ~ and their colour is so bold! But the pictures with the duck and the kitten just cracked me up ~ you're having so much fun :)

  3. Love the bottle ring connector - my favourite earrings are recycled glass baubles :)
    And the kitty pics are TOO cute!! They have such personality!

  4. Now that is a great family tradition.

  5. My kids have some marionettes of a fuzzy bird. Thankfully they are packed away now to use with THEIR children. Love the cat...I think cats are so cute when they "play". Thanks for post. Great job.

  6. Oh - your necklace toggles are a very cool connection - love those! And the kitty is just too cute! The duck swiping his food made me laugh. :-)

  7. Lots of connections here! love your duck and his friend! And your jewelry connections are great. Love the color of the glass!

  8. Oh my, another one where the thumbnail just had me have to come read the story. This is a most unusual tradition (at least in my perhaps narrow world view:) but how charming!

  9. How cool to use beer bottle tops. Have never seen that before and the blue is really pretty. The necklace using brown tops is amazing.
