Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 39 "hit me with your best shot1'

Focus on Life week 39....

Well since I'm not at home and this lap top has no pictures on it ... my best shot is limited to what I've taken in the last week..... or so

Not sure if these are my best but they are sort  of neat

I thought that this was a really neat driftwood sculpture... it's actually cast bronze.. It's in the Chattanooga sculpture garden!

This is actually drift wood it's the Ocracoke  schoool mascot
(taken after dark with a flash!) 

To see other people's best shots click on the links below!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 38... "Quiet Moment"

Focus on Life...  Quiet  moment... Do those actually exist in the modern world?

Once again my mind was a blank... I've been sitting in these chairs outside my room all week, but it wasn't until last evening while I was 'counting sheep' that it occurred to me that they were the perfect subject....  Let me present the rocking chairs on the deck of Spark's Lodge at William Holland lapidary school.
(Young Harris GA)

Rocking Chairs!

What am I doing here?  Learning how to use the hydraulic press that I got a really good deal on 4 years ago but have been too chicken to use!

To see other peoples quiet moments click on the links below! or check out Sally's blog  the studio sublime

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Creating with Cabachons

Another blog hop thought up and brought to you  by Ms Sally Russick of the Studio Sublime.  I like having to get my mind around these challenges but... I never sell the jewellery that I make...  It's hanging off the edges of my photo cube and I have run out of room...

No more challenges... when I submit my name just email me back and say I can't participate...  I need some sort of no more jewellery challenge therapy group!

What did I do this time...  Well I didn't follow Sally's cabbing instructions.. that would have been too easy... I got my first cab from Paula Kramer, she was gifting some polymer clay pieces that she bought... This cab came in two sizes I of course had to use the big one... Oh and did I forget to say that those are size 15 seed beads!
I make lots of little pyramid beaded beads and decided that I would just enlarge one side of the pyramid to make the back for the cab....  well even though it looks triangular it really wasn't....  I persisted started over a number of times... will I ever wear this NO!

My second piece I actually like... it will be worn!
This bead got chosen because it had a tiny crack...  BOO I call these beads fresh from the weir... they are suppose to represent sardines in a can, I flat lapped the back of the bead  the claws are soldered into holes that I punched into the back plate.  I actually added some chemical bonding (glue) to the top and bottom of the cab... mainly to hide what was still visible of the mandrel hole but also to secure it to the base
The chain is all handmade components.

To see what other people made click on the following links!

Friday, September 13, 2013

week 37 - in Motion

Focus on Life in Motion... Now I know I have taken some great pictures of the cats yawning but after laughing at them I delete them so instead of seeing motion here's some pictures from the ferry a couple of weeks ago of my husbands sail boat Eurydice (aka Money Pit) waiting to pick me up and take me to the Roosevelt Cup reception at Prince Cottage... this is definitely the highlight of the sailing season in this area and the only thing I close the gallery for to attend!

Pictures of Eurydice  taken from The island hopper as we approach Campobello NB
This is the Island hopper 11 a private ferry that runs from Deer Island NB to Campobello NB,
The ferry is a barge driven by a tug that swivels so it is always going forwards...

Monkey pit coming home from a hard days sail!  Oops Eurydice coming home from a hard days sail! (Boat looks much better with the sails up!

Click on the following links to see how other people interpreted in motion!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 36... In Two

Focus on life.. in two.. pairs.. couples... duos... twins...

Earrings are what come to mind as a  sometimes jeweller.....
Make a million beads...  sort into pairs 
1000000 beads = 7 pairs
And 4 enameled light-house beads... 
note the port and starboard designations

OK so none of the million beads ended up in this collage....

And yes knitting needles usually come in pairs too unless I'm knitting in the car where I don't have backups and loose one!

Click on the links below to see how other people paired up things this week!