Friday, September 13, 2013

week 37 - in Motion

Focus on Life in Motion... Now I know I have taken some great pictures of the cats yawning but after laughing at them I delete them so instead of seeing motion here's some pictures from the ferry a couple of weeks ago of my husbands sail boat Eurydice (aka Money Pit) waiting to pick me up and take me to the Roosevelt Cup reception at Prince Cottage... this is definitely the highlight of the sailing season in this area and the only thing I close the gallery for to attend!

Pictures of Eurydice  taken from The island hopper as we approach Campobello NB
This is the Island hopper 11 a private ferry that runs from Deer Island NB to Campobello NB,
The ferry is a barge driven by a tug that swivels so it is always going forwards...

Monkey pit coming home from a hard days sail!  Oops Eurydice coming home from a hard days sail! (Boat looks much better with the sails up!

Click on the following links to see how other people interpreted in motion!


  1. that looks like a gorgeous spot to sail! how fun!

  2. Oh, I don't know Beti. I have been in the doldrums.

    Beautiful shots!

  3. Hilarious! At least your money pit is beautiful looking and can take you somewhere interesting. Love your post!

  4. Money pit OR Monkey Pit, or Eurydice (love the name)...lucky you! Bet you have a wonderful time on that boat.

  5. What ever you call her, she sails in some very beautiful water. Enjoy!

  6. What a wonderful place to live/visit/be near! We're rather landlocked :(
    Have a great week!

  7. LOVE sailboats!! Great capture this week - perfect for motion. Our sailboat was named "Sailiens" because when we got it, we were 'alien' to 'sailing' and had never done it before! It too, could have been a huge money pit! :-)

  8. My Dad would love your boat, and the ferry. He misses the ocean now that he's in the prairies.

  9. I miss the ocean and would love to have a sailboat. How fun!

  10. Beautiful place. I could sooo live there! Thanks for posting, great pictures!

  11. LOL - I read 'Monkey pit' and for the whole post I tried to make sense of it... That's a very tragic name for such a beautiful boat, but I get it, your nymph, eh? :)
    Beautiful pictures - thanks for sharing!
