Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 39 "hit me with your best shot1'

Focus on Life week 39....

Well since I'm not at home and this lap top has no pictures on it ... my best shot is limited to what I've taken in the last week..... or so

Not sure if these are my best but they are sort  of neat

I thought that this was a really neat driftwood sculpture... it's actually cast bronze.. It's in the Chattanooga sculpture garden!

This is actually drift wood it's the Ocracoke  schoool mascot
(taken after dark with a flash!) 

To see other people's best shots click on the links below!


  1. ha! exactly what I was thinking ... I've had Pat Benatar running through my head! Those are great photos - love the horse! very cool!

  2. Great photos! I love that horse. It really does look like driftwood! Amazing!

  3. We have one of her horse sculptures on our campus (Purdue). Mom and I love it!
    Thanks so much for sharing yours!

  4. The driftwood sculpture of the horse is amazing. Plus I am always partial to dolphins.

  5. Fantastic sculptures and great shots of them, thanks for sharing.

  6. Very nice pictures of some great subjects. That is half the battle, isn't it?

  7. Wow, those are awesome, I've never seen driftwood sculpted before!

  8. These are super cool - love the horse especially!!

  9. I love the horse! There's a whole bunch of them at the entrance to the Portland Intl Airport. Do you know who the artist is?

  10. Cast bronze?! wow, had me fooled. It sure is nice. happy travels!

  11. Wow, I couldn't tell the difference! Great shots, indeed :)

  12. What a cool horse! Hope you're having a great vacation!

  13. Very cool sculptures. It's hard to believe that first one isn't actual driftwood. Now, that's some skill. Very cool!

  14. Really neat! I have now been staring at the horse convinced it was driftwood! How cool is that.
