Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 25... "You Are looking at my Garden"

Focus on Life ... Week 25
This is what I spend every nice day working on from March until I give up in September... None of what you see here was here when we bought this house in 2001... We bought a pink bungalo with weedy grass a couple of overgrown cedars and no garden!

Original house 2002... Yard and house 2010
Gallery sign has been improved upon in the last 3 years too!

(PS.  Since I took the pictures a deer has eaten the hosta!)

To see how other people interpreted "you Are...." check out the linkz on Sally's blog!


  1. Beautiful. Mine is going to be late as I am in NJ until tomorrow night.

  2. Lot's of time and love involved in these transformations. Great post!

  3. Oh, wow - that's a gorgeous place! I wish I could take better care of mine :) you've inspired me - I'll make a plan!

  4. What a beautiful garden. I love the house too - it looks so uniquely cozy

  5. Beautiful garden and house too!

  6. You are - a gardner with a vision! It looks beautiful! I especially love those braeburry (that's not right, but i think you will know the one I mean) bushes. Dark burgundy leaves that go all speckle pink on the top and latter little yellow flowers. I love mine, amongst chartreuse hosta it's got mad contrast. Looks like a wonderful place to visit

  7. What a beautiful garden. The fruits of your labor are so evident. So sorry about the Hosta, but bet the deer isn't.

  8. It's all so beautiful! I wish I enjoyed gardening.

  9. I love your house, it's so unusual - and your garden is beautiful, you are doing a fantastic job there!

  10. So beautiful. I'm so jealous as my 'garden' is more like a 'spot'. I've always wanted a big garden but just don't have the time to take care of it.

  11. Lynn your gardens are amazing. Thanx for sharing them with us. I love that your house is pink.

  12. what a lovely place! and gorgeous flowers!!

  13. Your garden is beautiful. You must be very proud of it.

  14. You are definitely one with a green thumb. And a gift for architecture as well! I LOVE your garden and all those flowers/plants - so beautiful.

  15. Lovely garden, Lynne! You've done an amazing job.

  16. I am totally overwhelmed at your garden and the incredible changes to your home. I have a black thumb but sure do appreciate others' talents and yours is formidable!

  17. So COOL! I wish I had a green thumb, or an inkling of desire to spend so much time digging in the dirt. Alas, all I have is a faint glimmer of wanting to want that without any real pull to do it. I appreciate you sharing it with us though!

  18. Beautiful garden and flowers, love it and your photo collage is perfect!!

  19. Beautiful garden! I can appreciate the time and effort it takes to cultivate this beauty. Your place looks wonderful.
