Friday, June 14, 2013

Week - 24 Green

Focus on life ... week 24 Green
I just love Green and purple together....  Lupins grow wild in the ditches here... this one was transplanted by me last year!
This was the view from the deck this week between Tropical storm Andrea and whatever un-named equally windy and rainy storm is dumping on us as I type!

 Just thought I'd throw in a collage of my sister and I from my first wedding... My dress was Green silk ... all the lace on the veil and the neck edging on my sisters dress was hand tatted by me...........

To see how other people interpreted green check out Sally's blog


  1. wow, beautiful work on the dresses! and agree, green has such a way of bringing out the depth of purple!

  2. What a nice view you have from your deck. Plus the work you did on the two dresses for your wedding is gorgeous.

  3. Bright green and purple are a favourite colour combo of mine too! I love that Lupin! Very impressive work you did on those dresses - and so much more meaningful to wear something that has so much care and love worked into it.

  4. I think Lupins are my favorite wildflower probably because they were my Mother's favorite. We used to drive out into the country to see them. I was delighted to find them in Nova Scotia the summer we visited there. Not any growing wild around here where I live so all the more fun in seeing yours.

  5. I love Lupine. You just made me realize that mine didn't make it through the winter. I'm going to have to investigate further. Those dresses are exquisite! Hand tatted even!!! You are amazing Lynne.

  6. A countryside full of those Lupines can take your breath away. Stunning work on the dresses.

  7. What a cool looking flower this Lupin is! You've captured it perfectly and the purple and green together are super! I also love your dresses,....gorgeous work! Hope you're okay despite all the storms and rains!!

  8. Gorgeous photos - I love lupins too! And what a view from your decking!
    Have a wonderful week :)

  9. Purple and green is a beautiful combo! The dresses are gorgeous too!

  10. Lynn your lupine is beautiful. When I had a big garden in the front yard I had them growing there. Amazing that you tatted all that lace. Tatting takes dedication. It takes such a long time to see much progress. It is so lovely and you hardly ever see it anymore. Fabulous job.

  11. Your veil is lovely! Lots of work there. Purple and green is one of my favorite color combos, too.

  12. Gorgeous handiwork you created on the dresses. Your picture made me long to see lupines again. I used to grow them in my previous garden in all colors but the wild ones are really beautiful!

  13. A beautiful flower. I'll bet it's a stunning sight to see them along the road.

  14. Wow all that tating, that's incredible! I'm not sure I've seen Lupin wild hmm, I might not be paying enough attention, but that sure looks like a beautiful flower that I don't think of with all the weeds, weeds, weeds around here

  15. I also like green and purple, especially when joined in fluorite!

  16. Loved seeing your lupine...a cousin to our bluebonnets here in Texas.

    And loved seeing your wedding photos!

  17. Really beautiful! Your wedding dress is amazing.
