Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 26 ?

Focus on life... I'm actually thinking that next week is the half way point not this week....   So what to do with this weeks prompt ... which is a question mark.... ?

OK I'll play

What is this a picture of...  ?

 Please post your answer as a comment...   Will there be a prize... probably... sort of depends on how fast someone gets it right!

(and yes I took the picture this week!)

To see how other people interpreted Sally's '?' prompt.....

Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 25... "You Are looking at my Garden"

Focus on Life ... Week 25
This is what I spend every nice day working on from March until I give up in September... None of what you see here was here when we bought this house in 2001... We bought a pink bungalo with weedy grass a couple of overgrown cedars and no garden!

Original house 2002... Yard and house 2010
Gallery sign has been improved upon in the last 3 years too!

(PS.  Since I took the pictures a deer has eaten the hosta!)

To see how other people interpreted "you Are...." check out the linkz on Sally's blog!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Week - 24 Green

Focus on life ... week 24 Green
I just love Green and purple together....  Lupins grow wild in the ditches here... this one was transplanted by me last year!
This was the view from the deck this week between Tropical storm Andrea and whatever un-named equally windy and rainy storm is dumping on us as I type!

 Just thought I'd throw in a collage of my sister and I from my first wedding... My dress was Green silk ... all the lace on the veil and the neck edging on my sisters dress was hand tatted by me...........

To see how other people interpreted green check out Sally's blog

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week 23: Typography

Focus on life ... week 23 Typography
The power of the written or typed word can be more powerful then you thought!  
The style and appearance of printed matter has an effect to how we view items, websites, businesses, book titles and the list goes on and on.   Is the typography pleasing to the eye, does the font pull you in, draw you away, make you feel inspired?  

 The sign for the gallery ....Since I haven't left the Island all week I was rather limited in my Photographic opportunities this week....  (note the pretty yellow flowers growing around the base!)

 This is where the 'font' comes in.. I've signed my name using lower case letters since I was in high school,  when I used to do sandblasting the initials worked from either the back or the front of the piece.  I guess the initials are how I've branded myself.  I keep thinking that I need to blow the wad on little sterling jewellery tags... but the price just keeps going up and up and I haven't done it yet!

To see how other people have interpreted this weeks prompt check out Sally's blog!