Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week # 4 Create Art

I like to knit... I actually learned how to knit the summer we spent in Ireland when I was 12.. I often do design my own sweaters... but when I travel I usually drag along something to knit... I'm still not sure if airport security  allows knitting needles, so I don't tend to knit on planes or in airports.  I thought security didaalow needles now.  but I had a set of double pointed needles confiscated in Spain last year...  This trip I dragged along a kit for a shawl made out of mohair and silk. Totally mindless knitting!  The reason why the following picture does not have any needles in it is because the needles called for are entirely the wrong gauge/size.  The pattern is American it calls for size 9 doesn't give a metric equivalent size... but since it is printed in the US one presumes that the needle size is American which gives a metric 5.5 needle... well guess what that needle size is going to give me a little neck ruffle not a shawl... so tomorrow I will go buy myself a set of much larger needles!  The pattern is actually full of errors.... I don't remember errors in patterns when I first started to knit, now most patterns have errors.
To see other Artistic creations check out the links at the Studio Sublime

This was inadvertantly posted on Wednesday... I couldn't figure out how to change the post date once it was live! 

 I am back to where I was on Wednesday... using 9mm needles not 9 US... It was a US pattern that said size 9 needles so I assumed the meant 9 US which is 5.5 mm... Hopefully now I will end up with a shawl not a neck ruffle!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 3... Take Time

I got unexpectedly  called away this week and am writing this in a McDonald's... since the internet connection where I am staying seems to be broken... So  I actually  have 48 hours do to nothing except read and play with some wire...  me time!  The picture that accompanies this blog will show up sometime later  this week... Photography used to be something that I actually enjoyed doing and I use to go for drives just to take pictures...  There will be a picture... sometime early next week !

This picture was taken in St Andrews on Jan 14th,  I could see the clouds between the houses, but it took awhile to find a spot to park and get the water without houses.

For other participants check out sally's blog at Studio Sublime

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 2 - Focusing on Life- 1 photo a week

Week 2's challenge Drum Roll....

Week #2  of Sally Russick's (Studio Sublime) 
" let's focus a little on "your word" or "your resolution" for 2013.

What is the one word or resolution that is going to help you focus on your life this year, make you more confident in your abilities, make you happy!"

Well I have never done the word resolution before....  I keep thinking I want to be more committed to what I do ... but committed brings up thoughts of mental asylums...  Then I thought I always procrastinate so I need an Antonym for Procrastinate....
careful or responsible .... not what I want at all

How about  I want  to  dedicate myself  .... my thesaurus led me from dedicate to concentrate that wasn't a good word but from concentrate I got
Full circle ....How could there be a better word than focus for this challenge and life in general!

SO this year I will Focus on my life, all the while  Looking Forward for opportunities!
But with most things I will have to decide which part of my life I want to focus on... the details, the background or gloss the surface and try to do a little bit of everything and never quite focus on life as a whole... ie live my life as a blur...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Allmost wordless Thursday & the BTW picture I forgot to put here!

I have been sorting beads recently and decided that I needed to revisit Stephanie Sersich's Spiny Knotted Bracelets.. the one on the left has lots of little lampwork beads, the Carmen Miranda wanna be is a collection of glass fruits and vintage lucite flowers that I've been collecting, hording over the years.  Love the grape button on the Carmen Miranda knock off!  (Took this picture yesterday... Put it on my FB page and forgot to put it here... but since I forgot you get this monrings roof pictures too!)
This is why the Gallery is temporarily closed for the season...  Although I'm hoping it comes down today.  The snow pack on the deck had dropped by over 30% in the last couple of days.... The deck will not be shovelled until the roof unloads it's snow! (It's a metal roof so can't put heating wires on it... at least I haven't found any that were suitable for metal!)  Snow move overnight as we at 1.5 mm rain....

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Week 1 - Focusing on Life~ 52 photos 1 photo a week

I joined Sally Russick's (The Studio Sublime) blog challenge 52 photos  1 photo a week...

Sally sends out hints  then we have 5 days to take or find the picture and post it

Week 1 - Photo Prompt - Self Portrait
This picture is totally uncropped!  Standing on the deck freezing my butt off New Years Day!

This one has all of my messy living and dining rooms cropped out of it...& I took the liberty of aging the photo...  I took this with my camera attached to my new toy, my quik pod !