Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 2 - Focusing on Life- 1 photo a week

Week 2's challenge Drum Roll....

Week #2  of Sally Russick's (Studio Sublime) 
" let's focus a little on "your word" or "your resolution" for 2013.

What is the one word or resolution that is going to help you focus on your life this year, make you more confident in your abilities, make you happy!"

Well I have never done the word resolution before....  I keep thinking I want to be more committed to what I do ... but committed brings up thoughts of mental asylums...  Then I thought I always procrastinate so I need an Antonym for Procrastinate....
careful or responsible .... not what I want at all

How about  I want  to  dedicate myself  .... my thesaurus led me from dedicate to concentrate that wasn't a good word but from concentrate I got
Full circle ....How could there be a better word than focus for this challenge and life in general!

SO this year I will Focus on my life, all the while  Looking Forward for opportunities!
But with most things I will have to decide which part of my life I want to focus on... the details, the background or gloss the surface and try to do a little bit of everything and never quite focus on life as a whole... ie live my life as a blur...


  1. great photos of a great word!
    may you find the time and energy you need to focus each day...
    i'm no. 21 on the list btw :o)

  2. Wow .. What a great word and awesome photos. I am sure you will find a happy medium. Sometimes those background details are important, but we should never lose sight of who we are.

  3. Interesting perspective ... focusing between the two points of view. I hope 2013 is wonderful to you!

  4. Focus is what it is all about. I have trouble with it and find myself wandering about instead of what I should be doing....

  5. What a great word, and a beautiful photo to represent 'Focus'. I love how you arrived at the word thanks to the thesaurus (my very good friend)!

    It seems many of us have so much to accomplish each day that we can not seem to focus on what's important. My wish is that your word will guide you throughout the year.

  6. I've joined and mine will be up in a bit...

  7. Great use of photography to show us how focus can be different depending on what your priorities are.

  8. Oh - love how you 'focused' your pics!! Great word for the year, too - super!!

  9. I love your pictures! It is so true - focus on the details or the whole?! I hope you find a happy balance between the two!

  10. Love your photos and how they deal with your word. Good luck with the focusing throughout the year!

  11. Interesting that your photos chose something different to focus on. Like you mentioned, you're not sure which it will be yet but you'll figure it out. Love the path to find your word--one word leading to the next until you found one that resonated.

  12. I think "focus" is such a challenge and wish you the best of luck. I am a procrastinator also, but if I focus at one thing at a time I do so much better.

  13. :) FOCUS was my word too, lets hope we both manage to find a balance.

  14. I like the one word resolutions. I've done it a couple of years, and if I put it somewhere I see it often, it really helps me.

    Best of luck, and have a great year!

  15. The pictures are perfect for your word! I hope you find the focus you need when you need it.

  16. Good luck with that - focusing on both your immediate projects and everything else as well. That is definitely a challenge! :)

  17. Focus is such a wonderful word and I love the "focus" of your photos! I have a horrible time focusing on things, it seems that my mind tends to what to jump to the next thing! May you find your "focus" in 2013!

  18. gorgeous photos! check out my blog:

  19. We share the same word! While I accomplished plenty in 2012, I was lacking focus. I hope to change that in 2013. At least we have an entire year to do so! Best wishes on achieving your goals!

  20. Great word and image! That was my word two years ago. It really did start to put things in perspective for me. I like that you recognize that there are different areas of your life to focus on. I wish you joy in the journey in 2013. Enjoy the day. Erin

  21. I really like this word! And I hear ya about something being blurry while the other is in focus... Great photos and they totally convey your thoughts. I guess we just focus on one thing at time so everything isn't blurry. And actually if we are comparing to photographs, I like a blurred backround sometimes. I think it adds interest and makes the subject at hand pop. Am I rambling?!?!? sorry!!
