Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seahorse Tutorial

I was asked to test a seahorse tutorial for Laurie of "glassbead" last week.

These are the first two that I did... I ran out of propane on the one on the left just before it got it's eyes... IT's also a bit on the fat side!  The one on the right needs more contrast in it's stringers!
My second two are much smaller  & I think cuter... actually they are getting smaller every time I make them... I also got lazy with my stringers and only added the ones going round the body then combed them...

She has a really interesting technique to make the tail....  I am improving  (the green glass I used in the 4th one is a really old colour called Mozaic green... in the rod it looks black...I think for  for the tail to work properly the glass should be more transparent!)

But I think these little guys are really cute...Here's a direct link to the tutorial. if you want to try it yourself.


  1. Awww, they are very cute - fat or not

  2. Lynne- you did great! I hadn't seen the new ones. And thank you SO much for your help. Lynne's ideas and insights really improved this tutorial. Always good to get an outside view!
