Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ABS March Challenge... 'Street Scene in Montmartre'

 Van Gough's Street Scene in Montmarte is this months inspiration for the ABS Challenge... Some months I look at the picture and nothing happens... other months I can see the focal but it never gets into the kiln....  This month I took one look at that painting and thought this will be FUN!

First off... Make a focal ....  Usually my version of the focal is a miniature of some element of the painting...
I wasn't sure about adding the french flag to the bead then thought nope... I can make an enameled French flag...  Lucky it was a French flag... most other flags would have been beyond by enamel talents!... & I couldn't resist trying to do a pinwheel to represent the windmills... I made the mistake of punching all 5 holes before I started... think it would have been much easier to bend the copper into shape &  then punch the hole... Then I had all my new headpins that I had to show off somehow... I'm really pleased with the way this necklace worked out!  With the exception of one tiny commercial copper bead wired onto the focal and the bases of the enameled beads.... this is 100'% hand made from glass rods, enamels, copper wire and copper sheet...

As I was looking for the link to add my name to the list for the blog tour I discovered that I am thisweeks designer of the week for the ABS Challenge...  Here's what Heather Powers has to say about my piece!
& If you want to do the blog tour


  1. I love, love, love this! From the focal to each element you did a fantastic rendition of the inspiration artwork.

  2. You really captured the original, and this necklace really takes me to the beach, I love it, congratulations!

  3. It's a wonderful interpretation of the work. And you deserve all of the lovely compliments on the ABS site

  4. Amazing work! You will have perfect strangers telling you, 'great necklace...reminds me of a Van Gogh painting.'

  5. This is so wonderful! I can immediately see the painting in your bead and necklace. Love this!

  6. Oh man, you totally captured the painting! And made an utterly charming piece of jewelry to boot! The focal, pinwheel and flag are fabulous, and the other elements complete the necklace perfectly. Most excellent!

  7. I love the focal!! This is really nice.

  8. What an amazing piece! The pinwheel and the focal piece are stunning.

  9. Beautiful design, you have captured the Montmartre street scene perfectly.. just like Van Gogh saw it.
