Monday, February 27, 2012

Join the Colour Challenge

Bonnie of Jasper's Gems a fellow Canadian is

" throwing out a challenge to all the jewelry designers out there. Using Pantone's colour of the year, Tangerine Tango, create a piece of jewelry in whatever style you prefer. Use some of the co-ordinating colours they have suggested, or try something totally different."

'Send Bonnie a photo of your piece, along with your Etsy shop, Facebook page and/or website. She will post them all to her  blog on March 24th.

Please pass this along to any other jewelry making friends you have. The more, the merrier.

Get your creative juices flowing! Do the Tangerine Tango with us!

I essentially copied this post directly from Jaspers Gems... I love the colour I've been wearing it for years... I'll finally be in style!


  1. It is bright and bold....if I find time. I do have a lot of carnelian....

  2. Yep I was thinking Carnelian too... I have lots....

  3. Back in college, orange was my absolute least favorite color. But it's slowly grown on me over the years, and now its one of my favorites. It's such a bright, happy color!
