Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday And the winner is ....

Drumroll ... & the number randomlt generated is.... # 5   OK so I won.... guess that's my lucky whatever for this year....  Another drumroll #32... yep the last person who entered Karen Williams....

Tangerine Tango baby yarn!  
These are  suppose to fit a 12 month old... next winter  The hat pattern was on Ravelry the mitts came out of a prehistoric knitting booklet and the scarf  was made traying to match the flower on the hat ... but the hat was knit in the round and the pattern didn't want to be knit back and forth and then I got to the other end and had to try and do the pattern in reverse.................


  1. Wow! Thank you Lynne! I am absolutely flabbergasted and thrilled. And it's too funny that you rolled your own number first! Guess you definitely know your poppies are winners!

    And the baby set is soo cute! They look so soft and cuddly!

  2. I am truly impressed, especially with the scarf. For some odd reason that saying about Ginger Rogers doing everything Fred Astaire did only backwards and in high heels popped into my head. LOL

  3. Thanks... I really don't like most baby yarn colours was so happy to find this on the discount table... yarn had been discontinued!

    Maybe that's why I always try to lead when I dance... I can't think in reverse logic... never could figure out those reverse logic calculators!
