Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday And the winner is ....

Drumroll ... & the number randomlt generated is.... # 5   OK so I won.... guess that's my lucky whatever for this year....  Another drumroll #32... yep the last person who entered Karen Williams....

Tangerine Tango baby yarn!  
These are  suppose to fit a 12 month old... next winter  The hat pattern was on Ravelry the mitts came out of a prehistoric knitting booklet and the scarf  was made traying to match the flower on the hat ... but the hat was knit in the round and the pattern didn't want to be knit back and forth and then I got to the other end and had to try and do the pattern in reverse.................

Monday, February 27, 2012

Join the Colour Challenge

Bonnie of Jasper's Gems a fellow Canadian is

" throwing out a challenge to all the jewelry designers out there. Using Pantone's colour of the year, Tangerine Tango, create a piece of jewelry in whatever style you prefer. Use some of the co-ordinating colours they have suggested, or try something totally different."

'Send Bonnie a photo of your piece, along with your Etsy shop, Facebook page and/or website. She will post them all to her  blog on March 24th.

Please pass this along to any other jewelry making friends you have. The more, the merrier.

Get your creative juices flowing! Do the Tangerine Tango with us!

I essentially copied this post directly from Jaspers Gems... I love the colour I've been wearing it for years... I'll finally be in style!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

ABS Monthly Challenge Feb 2012

The Conference of the Birds by Habiballah
This is a page from a 15th century manuscript....  I just loved the colours... so I felt the need to recreate the painting as a glass bead.. or at least the landscape part....

 This is the front of the focal....

 This is actually the back of the focal....  I worked on the focal  for three days.... I'd pull it out of the kiln in the morning ...look at it and decide it was missing something... so back it went....

The chain was an 18" inch piece of chain that said I paid $9.00 for it... Sigh I wonder how long I've had it!  The blue 'thread' is stringth... I thought it would be easy to twist thread through chain and knot the beads into it... Wrong  I think by the last couple of knots I had it figured out????

Anyway by the time I cut the chain apart so that I could add the beads... I no longer  had enough chain... so I had to solder all the cut links back together and add them to the chain... Then I found one of the links that I had soldered on the floor .. so I made a link.... so that I didn't waste the one I'd dropped....

The 'chain' can be worn with or without the focal....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bead table Wednesday & almost wordless wednesday

 I guess these are technically all over my carpet not on my bead board... Such pretty colours... Listed 4 really pretty grey ones on Etsy yesterday... they're not in the image!
My new flame enameled headpins... or as someone renamed them on pinterest... mini umbrellas!  These are on etsy as a  custom order!

Islandgirl on etsy

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bead Table Wednesday... or meet Eve

Ok This doesn't really fit on  my bead table nor is "Eve" really a bead...

When and if she is ever finished she will be used to display finished necklaces in the gallery.... 

Don't ask how many hours of needle felting have already gone into this!

Ultimately she will be mounted on a turntable (the bottom of a jewellery stand that had the unfortunate habit of flinging earrings all over the gallery when people turned it!)

Yes she was suppose to have a head with 3 faces.... May still happen... but no time soon!

At this point in time I'm thinking a machine (ie washing machine) felted skirt... black  will see if it draps the way I think it should.

This is what I started with... it's actually a float from a cage for a salmon farm... since the top was broken I thought I'd vary the heights on the necklines.... I glued some bits of styrofoam insulation on to build up the rib cage before I started felting... I used weldbond which dries really hard so I actually broke two sets of 5 needles... on the glue before I became more subdued in my felting!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beadtable Wednesday , & Giveaway!

Yesterdays enameled poppy's... This were inspired by Joanna of DaisyChain Jewellery tutorial in Beads & Beyond

Only problem is at the moment they are in pieces on my 'bead table'  and I have  no clue how to put them together... yes I have ideas... so here's the deal Anyone who posts a comment on this post giving me a suggestion on how to put them together will get  a chance to win a 3 piece  set  (large flower, small flower and head pin)... your choice of colour... draw will be Feb 29, 2012  I would like to see what you do with them!
Middle flower is too close in size ... so is unnecessary....
Last nights full moon from the deck!  Unfortunately it was low tide so no reflection!

Monday, February 6, 2012

New 'Dungeon' heart Countertop... Just in time for Valentines!

My dungeon is being redone... at least the bathroom is


Both the floor and the sink had rotted through
Wall backing onto dungeon workspace.... containing unloved furniture left by former owner!

New floor is concrete... will have some sort of removable tiles and the wall into my dungeon studio is now a half wall except for the 'toilet room' or WC.

New counter top.... I actually had 7 kilos of beads sorted that were suppose to be part of the counter... but all that went in were a few hearts which I place by hand  after the fact!

It will have an under mount porcelain sink... that will not rot through!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

For a change ... a picture of a bead!