Saturday, July 23, 2011

Starving Jewelry Artist Carnival Blog.... " Do You Name Your Pieces?"

Well the simple answer to that question is NO!  I DO NOT name jewellery pieces...  Unless they are going into a show.. or being sold on Etsy....  And then it's usually my husband that names them, However long ago when I did large fused plates I did name everything... I would spend longer figurng out the name then I spent slaving over the plates!

This is called Xray fish.... there is actually a dichro fish behind the copper skeleton which doesn't really show up.

The fused Mozaic turltle was done for a show I did in a gallery in Saskatchewan... the show was called "Broken Glass" and was all large fused mozaic plates... This one is originally called ' The Turtle'

Etsy gets cute 'original' names like winter tree... spring tree,  Jelly in Green Lagoon.... 

 I would  much rather  make a piece to fit a title than to have to figure out titles for my own work!

You can check out the Starving Artists Blog here

And other members participating in this months blog  follow.....


  1. Love your turtle and congrats for having a creative husband :)

  2. Hmmmm, The Turtle. I am not sure I see how that title fits the piece...

  3. Love your fused glass plates, beautiful work.

  4. Wonderful fused glass plates, do you still make them?
    I do tend to name all my pieces and it can somtimes take ages or I do make something to fit a theme I am working with that then becomes the name, simple!

  5. Re still making fused glass plates... not often... I did do one for an art auction this winter, but we were away so I don't know what it sold for!

  6. I see the turtle, but it took a second look to get it. Nice work.

  7. Those plates are so beautiful, they don't need names - they speak for themselves.

    Nice to have a hubby who cooperates!

  8. Wow I really love that plate, I bet the dicro fish under the copper skelton looks fabulous. Great work, great post.

  9. Wow I really love that plate, I bet the dicro fish under the copper skelton looks fabulous. Great work, great post.
