Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

 First off.. BTW...  My first attempt at resin... actually there are two pieces.. the other one had a solid back which was soldered on... no gaps in the solder... but there was a gap where the loop joins and yes the resin all drained out... Anyone know what where or what the above  image is?

And BTW the original meaning for BTW (By The Way) I am not in love with Resin at all...  Not being able to touch something that I can see for 6 hours... and then having to leave it a further 3 days...  Yea yea.. I'm a lampworker I stick my beads in a kiln for 12 or 15 hours... however I can't see them... I don't have a great deal of desire to play with something I can't see!

My token flower picture... Wish they were mine but they aren't, they belong to the Gardens at Roosevelt's cottage on Campobello!


  1. So you won't be adding resin beads to your repertoire?

  2. Not anytime soon... although I do have the rest of the resin to use up... so maybe the stuff will grow on me!
