Saturday, March 26, 2011

Starving Jewelry Artist Carnival Blog.... " Who and what inspired me...."

Back in the mid 90's before we/I wasted 5 + hours a day playing on the computer I was a flat glass artist... I made stained glass birds... leaded panels and large fused pieces... then I took a hand formed metals class class at Series in Red Deer think it was '94and saw some glass beads in the teachers show case made by Heather Trimlett.....   I'd already met glass beads at Pilchuk in '91... but they didn't inspire me to make my own..... 

Scroll back in time to '94 and  read about my attemps to make beads on a hot head!

Heather's Beads still inspire me I'd love to make hollows that are as neat as hers.... Although I'm now lusting after taking a class from this woman too...  Jari Sheese  She's teaching in FL in April... but she's teaching Easter weekend.... There are lots of cheap flights down mid week but the flights go through the roof to get home after Easter Monday... So that class isn't in my immediate future!

Some day I may even take a class from Jerry or Heather.....  In  '95 I got a video made by Kate Fowle  .... So I try to blame all my bad habits on her! Four  years ago I actually did get to take a class from her in CT....

What I can't get over is what you can get on the internet now...  I actually had a computer in '94 but I certainly didn't have an internet connection... and could scroll through pages and pages of beads....

Wonder how different my beads would be if I'd started off actually knowing what a bead was suppose to look like rather than spending 5 years locked in my studio by myself making wonky glass blobs!

The beads scattered through out this post are my latest listings on etsy and have no relevance to the blog!

Check out the Starving Artists Blog to see what other members are doing and learn interesting facts about Jewellery and Gemstones! and here's the links to other members participating this month!

J3 Jewelry
FamiLee Jewels
Bead Sophisticate


  1. Sure they have relevance...they are the beads that came from your obsessions

  2. You do beautiful work, that's all that counts now.
    Who would have known how the internet could change our lives in the strangest ways?

    Inspiration can be everywhere! :-D

  3. I love your beads and have great respect for the work of glass artists. It is hard to believe that your work could ever be called a blob.

  4. I'm sure I have boxes of blobby beads somewhere.. I keep thinking I should make resin stepping stones out of all the fuggly beads that are hidden in corners of this house!

  5. I have to agree with Cat, what you do now counts for today... yesterday's foibles certainly helped bring you here, and you do great work! I look forward to the day when I can look back on my own long journey and the many different influences over time that has brought me to that point.

  6. I think you were lucky to spend that time working on your art. The internet is a wonderful thing, but it sure can be a big distratction.

  7. Your work is lovely, we learn as we go along and continue to learn every day - get out those beads, don't hide them away, great post!
