Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday

I bought myself this on St Paddy's day... I thought a green Orchid was a most appropriate gift... And since it's still thriving after 2 weeks it doesn't look like it's going to commit suicide because it didn't approve of the move!

And on my bead table... (OK it's the floor) is my prize from coming second in the tassel challenge.... The prize took 31 days to get from CA to a small Canadian Island off the coast of ME! That is a new record for me for parcels coming from the US... someone didn't like the way Sig wrote my address... but you can clearly see that what they rewrote is exactly what was there in the first place!

This was the tassel and 'chain' that I won with... here's the link to the original challenge!

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