Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oops it's THursday...

NO beady  pictures for Wordless Wednesday or Bead Table Whatever...  I spent the weekend .... trying to deTrojan my computer...  Did it work sort of... One of the things I've lost is my automatic spell Checker.. I can not spell or type so  BE PREPARED FOR ERRORS!!!!  Most of my .exe files are also missing so loading programs is a creative experience... and I've lost 2 years of glassrod emails...  that would be 2009 - 2011... why would I loose 2007 & 9 when I can loose the current stuff!

Yesterday when I should have been posting pictures I was on the mainland going to the dentist... I cracked a tooth months ago ... but was waiting for the weather to improve before I booked an apointment....  Well I went ... the fillling glue... whatever you want to call it lasted less than 4 hours... actually it's worse now than it was as there is now a sharp corner gashing at my cheek!  Am trying to book another apointment.. today or tomorrow before my cheek turns into hamburger... but I want to talk to a person not an answering machine... I don't want to give them a chance to ignore me!

 However here's a couple of spring melt progress pictures... I took the first one last wednesday... becuase the grass looked like a giant green heart... What's more appropriate for St Paddy's Day than a giant green heart?

And this one is today.... I actually think we might have spring this year! Happy St. Paddy's Day and enjoy your green beer!


  1. Oh - I'm sorry about your tooth. I hope they fix it better this time

  2. Lovely photos! I enjoyed seeing them all. Hope you are better soon!
