Monday, March 21, 2011

ABS March challenge.. Sacred Spring

Nave Nave Moe (Sacred Spring, Sweet Dreams) by Paul Gaugin 1894, Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

This month our inspiration for the ABS Challenge  was  Sacred Spring, Sweet Dreams.  The artist Gauguin was inspired to paint this by the bright colourful primitive cultures that he encountered after moving to Tahiti in 1891. 

I loved the bright red's and yellows in this paining.. I made a red and yellow murini to decorate my lampwork beads with and used bright copper beads and wire as accents!  I love spring  my first crocus was in bloom yesterday!

With my floral focal I tried to pick up some of the other colours in this months palette.. I had fun cutting and hammering copper sheet and wire to make the 'links' & beads.  There are also a couple of copper and sterling beads , some chain maille and some coppper plated Mykanos clay beads, and my lampworked beads and spacers.


  1. It's so happy.
    It would be lovely if Spring would actually show it's face

  2. I have one little yellow crocus in my garden :-) FOund it yesterday!

  3. A wonderful bright and colourful picture to use for inspiration!
    I have a whole narrow border of crocus out with Narcissi behind them I only planted the bulbs before Christmas, they are so colourful and pretty in gold and purple. My early Camillia Haru Gasumi is out now and the big red one has a few flowers, I really must take some photos.

  4. Beautiful! Your wire work is bright and open, and a lovely showcase for your glass beads.

    Here in Seattle, spring's a bit more advanced. Right now we have crocus, daffodils and forsythia blooming in the yard, despite rains and a recent frost. The weekend was warm enough I was able to spend a couple of hours working in the yard (before I realized I'd lost feeling in my hands - so it's not truly warm yet).

  5. I had to tear myself away from the picture of your necklace to come to the comment form. The integration of the silver jump rings with the coils of copper are just stunning. And I love, love, love the freeform heart. What a wonderful job you did on this necklace!

  6. Firstly, let me just say that I love the beads you made for this challenge! They're gorgeous! Second, way cool that you mixed the metals on this - it really makes it stand out. Thirdly - we've just had our last snow - hopefully! - so the crocus and other early flowers are just starting to show their colors :)
