Friday, February 18, 2011

One WOrld One Heart Winner

Friday Feb 18th 2 pm Atlantic time....


 I just put  #'s 1 -131 through and got #15 which is Fat Dormouse from the UK... she will be getting the heart bead and one or two more beads... providing she answers my email... I actually picked 4 numbers so if she doesn't respond within 48 hours I'll use the second number.....

Thanks for participating in the final OWOH!

I'll post a picture of  the extra beads when I figure out what they'll be!

Edited .... Saturday morning... Alison lives in France not the UK.. I didn't look beyond her email address and she has contacted me!   AND... I actually won something useful!  I got some hand knitted dishclothes  from kath001 in Texas!


  1. Hey Lynne, I'm not the winner of your giveaway, but you ARE the winner of my hand-knit dishcloths. :) Let me know where to mail them, and they will be off to you.


  2. Just to let you know I've emailed!!! Honest!!! I'm really chuffed to have won something on my first OWOH.

    Thank you!
