Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bead Soup Tease

OK what's this.... It's my 4th attempt at a seed bead bail... number 1 was abandoned after 3 rows.. number 2 was finished and got an overwhelming UGLY... number 3 was sewn on ... become part of the finished necklace then got the UGLY vote and was cut off number 4 got sewn on to the focal and then I realized that there was no way off putting the pendant onto the 'chain' and I decided it was easier to remake this bail then it was to try and add thread to sew it on ....

My toggle and one of Lisa's felted balls ...

This project was way out of my comfort level, I like glass and wire!

Total panic set in last week when I lost the focal for 3 days... I had actually started to wonder if the disc was coloured steel and had been carried off by my cat.. we have a magnetic cat door.... Searching snow banks was not high on my list of fun activities!  Where did I finally find it... inside the couch. 


  1. AWESOME! I've finished one necklace, and am working on another today!

  2. Pressure's on...I have one piece done too and the other is giving me fits. :)

  3. OK -- this has me intrigued. I'll be sure to check back for the big reveal!

  4. I have had simular experience with my bead soup I too can't wait for the GERAT REVEL. Be Blessed

  5. I think my couch is one of the only places I don't find beads - but maybe that's because I tend to avoid lifting the cushions...

    I can hardly wait to see what this becomes!

  6. My cushions don't lift.. you have to wiggle your hand down between the 'seat' and the 'back'! and it eats lots of beads pliers, rulers....
