Thursday, March 26, 2009

What inspires us to create jewellery?

Over the last year I seem to spend more and more time on the computer and less and less actually making things.... One reason is trying to sell online... I've had a website fireallbeeds for five years at most my sales off of it paid the annual fees.... Then along came Etsy I joined as Islandgirl because I was buying (I'm really good at that) then last February I decided to try and sell something ... well you wouldn't believe the hours you spend taking pictures and writing text to go with the pictures and trying to promote yourself....

One of the promotion tools is flickr . Flickr has all sorts of groups... I tripped over a group called Art Bead Scene they have monthly challenges... (yep that was what my Iris necklace was for) . This months challenge was to design a piece inspired by Henri Matisse's painting "The Goldfish". I made a necklace which I thought was pretty lame except for the focal bead which I really like. So all you get to see here is the focal bead! Then I decided since my first effort was so lame that I woud try and do a peyote stitch bracelet.. the entire bracelet is the goldfish bowl and the toggle is the big one that escaped!

Oh and of course there is this blog.. it wasn't enough having a rant on my website... According to the webbies that know all one shouldn't blog on their on website, you must blog on blogger or....
And then there is twitter... I'm really not sure about it... I think I delete people as fast as I add them.. My criteria, i f you have more than 3 updates in a row that don't make sense .. you're toast!


  1. awesome entries of these days i'm going to make something to enter...i love the necklace...simple yet beautiful...

  2. I really like the bead with the fish!

  3. The bead is too cool for words...if you can take a goat's opinion

  4. Pricilla seems to have similar opinions to her female person aka her publicist.. so I will accept a goats opinion on my beads!

  5. I'm with you..I will delete those twitterers that don't make any sense to me either, lol!

    And regarding your question about my beads? No, I would say that they are definitely NOT chew proof.. I have never tried to chew them, but I imagine they are not very tasty! LOL..Your comment had me laughing though..hee hee!!

  6. that's a neat idea with flickr. I thought they were opposed to commercial and selling on their site - but maybe it just relates to etsy selling... I need to check that out. I KNOW I'm spending more time on my blog and selling venues than beading... but don't know how to get off the computer. I'm a blogaholic!
