Saturday, March 28, 2009

I just found this wonderful blog about me!

I just found this blog about me! Patty from Broken TeePee Designs wrote this wonderful blog about me and called me a bead maker extraordinaire.... the praise could go to my head!

The necklace on the left is one of Patty's creations it's called Mermaid Jewels... I seem to be hooked on a warm tropical theme here!

Patty and I sort of traded places... she grew up on the Jersey coast and is now in the middle of Montana... I grew up in Alberta and now live on a small Island on the East Coast... I just wish it had palm trees and warm tropical breezes, not ice cold blasts coming off of the North Atlantic.... I like to dream that I can just put a tiny beach lounge on these beads, so that I can climb out of the North Atlantic into paradise!

But I digress... Back to Patty... Not only does she make jewellery she raises Goats, makes goats milk soap, makes bread and rolls and is soon to add baby chicks to the farm ... and she does all of this in a tiny trailer kitchen.... The Goats have a spokes goat called Pricilla who writes her own blog I have trouble seeing/finding my kitchen counter in a real house! If your wondering about the name their property in Montana came complete with a Broken TeePee...

Patty and I are also both members of an Etsy street team called The Artisan Beaders you can check out their informative blog... !


  1. Awww, you are just to kind to two old goats!
    Thanks so much for the lovely post about all of my (our) activities out here on the Farm.
    And you do make extraordinary beads!
