Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I won another award?

I have recently joined the world of facebook, flickr, and twitter and started writing my own blog... (I've had a website and rant for over 4 years but it mostly stayed under the radar of tagggers....) if you're reading this you are reading my blog...

One thing that all the social network sites all have in common is tagging... Is The Marie Antoinette Award an award or another tag? On my rant I got tagged to do 7 factoids about me... then there was 25 factoids about me on facebook, then flickr wanted 16 interesting things about me with a picture of me...

Now I have to give this award to 7 friends who I think are worthy of the award or is it 7 friends that are as much of a sucker as I am they can choose. I received the Marie Antoinette award from a fellow glass artist Beadwright and will pass it on to 7 other women... I run a gallery in the summer that sells work done by canadain women I won't be so discrimantory in their origins for this as I doubt if I know 7 Candian female artiost bloggers!

It seems that no one really knows what this award is for. So if anyone out there knows or knows who started it please leave a comment about it.
Now for the rules of this award.The rules are as follows...

1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
Seems pretty easy to me!
My choices were made because each of these women are strong of spirit and heart and are some of the finest artists I know. May Marie Antoinette's strength and courage be with them always.
1. Broken Teepee
2 Priscilla speaks (yea OK priscilla and Broken Teepee share a computer!)
3 Studio Marcy
4 Glass Addictions
5 Form Fire
6 Jill

Ran out of time so only 5 lucky people and one goat got selected!


  1. Thanks Lynne, (I think?) I'm just wondering if we get our heads cut off or whether we get to eat cake?


  2. bitch, bitch bitch....
    Oh, there's cake?
    I like cake especially if there are apples....

  3. Yes you can have apple cake... I might even make you an apple crumble if you come visit!

  4. Congratulations! You are a busy blogger!!!
    I'm typing as fast as I can, but whose logo shall I post?
    Marie looks so pretty, is she having cake?

  5. Well I'm not sure she is having cake but she doesn't look like she's dreaming of having her head chopped off!
