Thursday, February 12, 2009

And the winner is....

For the One World One Heart contest

I used a random number generator to pick my winner... I only had 195 entries and the winner was

KELLY SNELLING She entered yesterday...

I tried to cut and paste but I'm visiting family in Alberta and doing this on a MAC.... and it won't stick the comment in the text box.... I am not MAC literate!

Congratulations Kelly! I commented on her blog that she was my winner because I can't send emails easily on this computer... hopefully she will get back to me!

I just checked her site and noticed that she is joint author on a this Jewelry book ... sorry can't get the auto link feature to work! (Link fixed Feb 23)

"A Charming Exchange " 25 Jewelry Projects To Create & Share ... by Kelly Snelling and Ruth Rae being a genuine book Junkie I may have to go out and buy this book....

I can't wait to see what she does with my heart!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY! I just saw your comment on my book blog as I was about to delete it!! I had a filter set up for all the OWOH comments to go into a separate filter. And now that the comments were all counted, out, out it was going. And since your comment to me about this had OWOH in the subject line it got filtered in there. Anyway (catching my breath) HURRAY!!!!!!! Thank you so much!! I'm off to email you now with my addy!
