Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm a Winner...

Well sort of... I entered a quarterly 'bead contest' at Artistry in Glass a Canadian Glass Supplier in London ON. I actually entered one of my favorite beads... this is not the same view that was entered...

and was the runner up in the Intermediate category... Pictures of winners Reading the fine print on the web site I believe that the runner up is actually a name drawn from all the entries.. so I could have entered a pile of frit and still won!

What do I win 20 rods of glass (their choice) as long as I order something before the end of March and pay the shipping on the order. Actually I do need some clear glass ...

Should we take bets on what my 20 free rods are... are they going to be a selection of the most popular glass rods they carry, a sample set of the new cool colour rods (in my dreams!), or 20 rods of a colour that was discontinued because no one bought it, or I suppose if I order 5 -10 pounds of clear 006 Effretti they might just give me an extra 20 rods of that!

What do you think... lets have an unoffical poll, suggestions not listed above are welcome!


  1. This is a tough one! I think you covered most of the options. I'm going to go with a variety of colors, with maybe one or two premium rods to try to rope you in to buy more later, and then the rest would be colors that they have a lot of. Congrats on winning -- the bead is lovely! And have fun opening your surprise glass!

  2. Hi! Thanks for leaving comment on my blog and glad you liked the photos. Love your glass bead work it is exquisite. Wow. What a talent you have. Well done on winning.
    All the best

  3. Well, any glass is better than no glass, yes?
    Congratulations on winning! It is a lovely bead - I had admired it in your shop! Yes?
    I think you will get what they want to get rid of; but I am a cynic.

  4. I'm thinking that I may get old unloved glass too... however if they want to get/keep me as a customer a sample set of the new cool colour rods would be a much better bribe!

  5. I will bet you will get one or two of the new "cool colors". The rest will be standard issue. But glass never goes bad, so it's all good!

  6. I think you will get 20 rods of your favorite glass!!!!! Ha! Oh wouldn't a mixed bag containing a little of everything be nice- some double helix, some gold pink,some odd lots that were nice, and some that you've never even tried.

  7. Hmmm, not sure what you will get, but I had really great service from them.

  8. Ooo, maybe you'll get 20 rods of silvered glass? Naw.

    Probably whatever they have the most of.

  9. Hi!
    Great bead, congrats on winning...
    I think they'll give you a sample pack of Reichenbach 104, they were giving them out at GAS here in Portland, for free, and I think there are 20 rods, thus......
    Happy anniversary to your blog! You are a great blogger I think, to keep it all going! I'm running out of stuff to say already!!!
