Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cupid finds a Heart

Cupid finds a Heart is my latest listing on Etsy... Looking at this bead I'm not really sure that Cupid has found his heart.. He's got one heart the one he is 'living' o, but he appears to be trying to get round the bead to see if there really is another heart hidden on the back...

Both Cupid & the heart are little copper cutouts... I use the small craft punches for scrapbookers... unfortunately most of the available punches are way too big... and they seem to be getting bigger! This is a white heart that has copper cutouts think the copper is about 28 gauge sheet and then is decorated with Thompson enamels ...

I did a quick search on cupid and it turn's out that there are actually two cupid's in mythology one is a lively youth who delights in pranks and spreading love. The other is know known for his riotous debauchery. Somehow I think we've combined the two into our modern day interpretation of Cupid...

However you want to interpret Cupid... he does seem to be a represntative of Modern Day Valentine's day ...


  1. Cool bead and technique, Hi Lynne, I'm lost in the webrings!
    To answer your question my son wants to be a network administrator, which means set up and maintain networks, like the parts you don't see, but make it all happen. I think.
    The sun is shining here! Oh nice!

  2. How pretty! I'll have to look for you at ETSY! Love everything you make!

    Thanks for entering my OWOH!
