Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's my 20th Anniversary

Actually it will be my 20th Wedding Anniversary in February but this 20th anniversary is of the first Cheque $$$, that I received from a gallery sale... My first Gallery sale was in November of 1988 . The cheque was for a small fused dish! The gallery was The Hand Wave . The Handwave Gallery celebrated it's 25 year in operation in 2007. Like a lot of Saskatchewan Galleries it's in an old house in a small rural village. (Meacham SK)

June dedicates one room of the gallery to changing exhibits. At least one Exhibition per year is a group theme show... I think I've missed one group show in 21 years (and that was since I moved here... shipping costs in Canada are pretty high!) You can check out works from shows since 2005 on-line at the above link.

In the 20 years since I got that first cheque my work has changed quite dramatically... but I'm still working with glass! Go here to see some of the bigger pieces (more interesting?) that I've done! The picture below is of a fused shoe that I did for the Bata Shoe Museums Glass slipper exhibition (2003)... the heel is stacked Beads... and yes that is my foot...


  1. That shoe is so AWESOME! I think that is my favorite thing I've seen of your work.

  2. Thanks.... I discovered when I was making it that moretti doesn't fuse like the other glasses... I'm not sure how many soles I made before I got one that stayed the size I expected it to!
