Monday, December 8, 2008

I hate Snow... at least when I have to Drive in it!

I spent the weekend demonstrating Chain Maille at a small Hotel in St Andrew's NB. They have a town wide Christmas festival the first weekend in December every year. There is a small Craft sale at the high school and all the galleries and studios open up with goodies and demos. I've always been a shopper other years. This year I just made chain...

OK I shopped, I bought a hand turned Black Locust Salad Bowl... the tree came from the Loyalist Grave yard in St Andrews... The bowl has gorgeous grain! This is what Wikipedia has to say about Black Locust . I guess it is a very appropriately named tree as it spreads like locusts! The wood-turner was sitting across the dining room from me... I spent all day staring at the bowls.. listening to people oooing and awing over them. The business is Mascarene Woodworks but alas there is no website!

Coming home yesterday was way more fun than I had anticipated! I left 50 minutes before the 'event' was officially over as I noticed that the golf ball sized snow flakes were starting to stick to the road ... Lizzy my 1995 Mustang doesn't like snow! The road from St Andrews to the highway is a secondary road that winds up and down along the coast very scenic in the summer... Sucks big time in a blizzard! I had only been driving for 5 minutes when the guy in front of me went into the ditch... since he had just passed me 60 seconds earlier I left him there... everyone has a cell phone these years anyway and there was a driveway 20 feet from him.... It took me 70 minutes to get to the ferry landing normal time is 32 minutes.... Here's a link to a blog on Snow Goddesses don't see anywhere in the article on who we are suppose to pray to, to avoid snow!

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