Saturday, November 29, 2008

black friday & cyber monday

Black Friday doesn't portend the gloom and doom that the name conjures up... It's actually a good day... It's suppose to mean the day that retailers in the US go into the black... after operating in the red all year up to that point.... I can not fathom being in the red for 92% of the year ... I better be in the green in my seasonal gallery after 60% of the summer is gone (ie by the August long weekend) or I'll be standing out in the middle of the road flagging down cars!

Now onto Cyber Monday... I guess I've heard this term before but I really didn't know what it meant... according to wikipedia Cyber Monday is the day that everyone has returned to work after eating too much on Thursday and shopping too much on Friday and Saturday! Monday everyone switches from mobing retailers to mobing online stores! (In my dreams!)

Yes here is my etsy link for all of you people who want to spend money online on Monday Islandgirl... I promise no mobs of people you can shop from your desk at work, your blackberry... your laptop... I will custom make you anything you want, and remember every purchase from me until Dec 21 puts another can of food into our local foodbank! So shop shop shop, help the economy, no point leaving money in the bank give it to me!

Or go browse through other stores on etsy; there really are a lot of very nice gifts that can be found at etsy!


  1. I didn't wait for Monday to storm Islandgirl's online store - I took care of that on Friday. Thanks!

  2. She does make beautiful beads, doesn't she?
    I have quite a I just have to find time to do something with them!

  3. Thanks for the nice comments! Will I have a sale... maybe boxing day to New years day... time will tell!
