Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bizarre December Holidays

December 1 is National Pie Day and Eat A Red Apple Day & World Aids Awareness Day

December 2 is National Fritters Day

December 3 is National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day

December 4 Santas' List Day - we hope you are on the "Nice" list OR Wear Brown Shoes Day

December 5 is Bathtub Party Day ( am I invited?.. Please?) OR National Sacher Torte Day (Can I have my piece in the bathtub?) AND Repeal Day - The 21st Amendment ends Prohibition. (I'll drink to that!)

December 6 is National Gazpacho Day and Mitten Tree Day OR St. Nicholas Day

December 7 is National Cotton Candy Day OR International Civil Aviation Day OR Pearl Harbor Day OR Letter Writing Day (I better take note of that or no-one will get Christmas cards this year!)

December 8 is Take It In The Ear Day OR National Brownie Day OR Eid-Ul-Adha - date varies ?

December 9 is National Pastry Day OR Christmas Card Day (Guess I have until the 9th to write my cards!)

December 10 is Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales AND Human Rights Day

11 National Noodle Ring Day (what is a Noodle Ring?)

12 National Ding-a-Ling Day OR Poinsettia Day

13 Ice Cream Day OR Violin Day (Not sure what those have in common!)

14 International Children's Day - Second Sunday in December AND National Bouillabaisse Day

15 Bill of Rights Day OR National Lemon Cupcake Day

16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

17 National Maple Syrup Day

18 Bake Cookies Day OR National Roast Suckling Pig Day

19 Look for an Evergreen Day (Mine will be up as soon as they are for sale here!)

19 Oatmeal Muffin Day

20 Go Caroling Day

21 Forefather's Day OR Humbug Day OR National Flashlight Day OR Look on the Bright Side Day (somehow look on the bright side doesn’t seem to go with humbbug….)

22 National Date Nut Bread Day - or September 8!?

23 Roots Day

24 National Egg Nog Day OR National Chocolate Day (thought we already had a chocolate day….)

25 Christmas Day OR National Pumpkin Pie Day (Nope this is plum pudding day not pumpkin pie day!)

26 Boxing Day

27 Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day OR National Fruitcake Day

28 Card Playing Day (isn’t this the day you take everything back to the store and exchange it?)

29 Pepper Pot Day

30 National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

31 Make Up Your Mind Day AND New Year's Eve AND Unlucky Day (not sure why!)

This list of bizarre December 'holidays' was assembled using a number of different websites... I'm just glad that I now know that I have until Dec 9 to get my Christmas cards written and mailed! I will report on the 10th as to how successful I was ! And don't expect an update on the 5th I'll be too busy drinking and eating my Sacher Torte in the bath tub that day to update!

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