Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Having a hard time posting without the weekly prompts..  12 days ago we had green grass ... then On Saturday Jan 24th we had snow...  Sunday was warm and it sort of melted.. enough to make everything icy... Then on Tues Jan 27 we had what was forecast as the storm of the century....  OK more snow ...  Then on Saturday Jan 31 we had a little Blizzard way more snow and wind than the storm of the century.... Sunday morning I jokingly said better go check the weather to see what time the next storm is starting...  HA HA Monday noonish... still yet more snow...  And the forecast for tonight is another 30 cm ( or 14 inches if you prefer Imperial!)

Here's a link to a blog post I did 6 years ago when I thought we had a lot of snow in Feb snow-snow-go-away  Here's a picture I took this morning 
Remember the railing in the picture from 2009 beside the lamp post... It's GONE!

This is the view out the dining room window.. my very own Matterhorn!

Guess what folks I don't like snow anymore!

This is a close to the same angle as the 2009 picture as I could get.. hard to see over the snow banks left by the plow truck!  The 2009 snow was wet most of this snow has been accompanied by blowing snow and frigid temps!

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