Saturday, July 26, 2014

Week 30 ~Celebrate a moment of life. ...

My husband has a 30 ft Acadian  Yawl called Euridice aka "Money Pit"  The engine quit about a month ago ... So the engine was pulled and turned out to be a pile of rust with very few functioning pieces..  ie it probably should have quit long ago!

My sweet comments along the lines of you wanted a sail boat now you have a SAIL BOAT didn't fly!

Anyway last weekend he finally decided that the engine wasn't going to miraculously re-install itself and work, so he went SAILING...  He actually attended the Roosevelt Cup Race off of Campobello Island.  Sunday afternoon there is a reception that I usually attend.  A couple of us walk on the ferry and get picked up from the ferry landing....  I came home with Captain Jim  and My husband got towed out to his dinghy... Where he got left for the night, the following morning he had to row the dinghy towing the boat for over a mile so that he could catch the tide and start "SAILING" home....  As you can see he did make it!

Not sure this is a moment in life that he will want to remember, and I have discovered that he doesn't listen to anything anyone says unless they are talking about boat engines! So this will always be remembered as the summer of 'boat-brain'.

To see how other people interpreted this weeks prompt click on the Linkz link


  1. I think it's great that he sailed!!! Fantastic moment to select for this week's prompt!

  2. Lynne, I LOVE your sense of humor. I bet your hubby does too! :-) I think we all have mishaps like that but it is a rare person who pushes through as your husband did.

  3. These 'failures' are what make us humble. But they also can make us determined. And we need a little of both.
    Thanks for sharing this story.

  4. You sound like a boat-widow - my hubby's the same with any kind of engine!! Glad the sailor got home safely :)

  5. Great photos!! I love anything to do with sailing, especially your sense of humor in this incident - not sure you hubby w/love it - but what a wonderful memory and moment in life!!

  6. Super photos and isn't amazing how men react to mechanical things...I guess like us and our Great Post!
